Sunday, March 8, 2015

Uber Arathi called trying to trick me into BS offer on 03-30-2015

Arathi called me around 10ish am. Asking will this a good time to talk. I said, yes. again I want to thank you for come to the office and speaking with us. ok I said. She said I have spoken with the Uber team and I called the bank. The car is $2400.00 behind in payments and Uber is willing to pay the late payments + give you $600.00 as a cushion. So do u want to come to the office and pick it up or we can pay it directly to the bank. I said pay it to the bank. why would you suggest that I come pick it up? The car is behind now. Pay it to the bank. Arathi said, well we wanted you to pick it up in a check directly to you. We can do this quickly because the payments are due now. I said why? that don't make sense. So why would you offer to pay it directly to the bank if you want me to come pick it. Arathi said, the bank is owed $2400 and we want to get this done as fast as possible. $600 as a cushion to settle to help get on your feet. I said, did you say settle. So all I went though that clearly shows that Uber is responsible for I gone though. Really!!!  Arathi says well we are giving you $600 extra to help you. I said. what about my lost of income? Arathi says. you have not taken a trip when you receive the phone. I not talking about the time I have the phone now. I am talking about when I didn't have a Uber phone to work with and when the phone was malfunction. The hardship I went through which the courts call pain and suffering, I responded. Arathi said well we tried to give you the agency to help you with your situation. what do you want? I said, what I requested in the letter which is not unreasonable. We went over this at the meeting and you can read. I didn't write my letter in arabic or chinese. I wrote it in english. You do speak, read and write in english? that means you do comprehend. Make the payment, but this is not a settlement. Uber is responsible for all that has been done. I been more than patient with Uber. Beyond reasonable. Unlike Uber that didn't respond within reason and put me through all this. Anyone else would have cuss you out by now. for trying to trick them in a settlement. Hear my voice its calm and i am speaking to you in an even tone. I have 2 of Uber angle investor contact me through twitter and they have more compassion than Uber. I will go to them and see what they working with first... Arathi said no wait, give me a day to come up with something else. I will be more productive for you to work with us. I will go back to them and go over with them again and see what they will decide. I said ok you will do what you do on your end. I wil do what I have to do on my end. Bye

Uber finally contact me update 3/3/15

I went to the meeting and Eric let me in the office. He is present but Arathi was not. Eric called Arathi to conference in. Arathi apologize for me having gone through because of the phone incident and thank me for coming in to the office to talk with them. Arathi said that David is no longer with uber. Also stating they did not see what any notes of what transpired between David and I. We talk about the blog letter. Long story short. Arathi ask they do as the next step to resolve this issue. I said what I requested in the letter.  Arathi 1st you need to call the bank make arrangements to clear that up. 2nd I need my lost income from when I received the malfunction phone until this week of 02/01/2015 when I receive a phone. Arathi said that she will talk with the uber team and see what they will do. Arathi said that Eric had some information printed up for me with some agencies in the city of Charlotte that can help you in my situation. What agency can help? Arathi said I can go to social services. I said social services and they have to do with what I'm requested Uber. Uber is the one that gave me a malfunction phone. When i requested twice to replace it uber is the one who didn't replace it. Not social services, Uber. So Uber is accountable. Social services or any other agency you look up i don't need their help. I take care of myself. Uber needs compensate me for the hardship that was cause by Uber. I will take care of myself. I will look out me. I will never trust anyone to do for me, but me. So tell me will these agency provide me what I am requesting from Uber? We printed the information so you can call and see how they can help. Do you want them. I said, that's not the answer to my question and no I don't want them. I want what I requested in the letter and that's it. Arathi said, I will talk with the Uber team and I will call you in a day or so ok. I said ok. Thank again for coming to speak with us. bye. meeting ended...  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Uber finally contact me Update 3/2/15

After my post on Saturday Feb 28th titled . I received a call from 919-307-9127 the next day Sunday March 1st  She said her name is Arathi Uber director of operation for the Charlotte and Durham area said that she have seen my blog that I post on Saturday. Arathi want me to know that I have a contact person for that will help with this issue. The uber team care about my concerns and would like for me to come in and meet her in person at the uber Charlotte office. To discuss my concerns and to meet the Uber contact team. Arathi ask can I come in on Monday the 2nd. I replied Yes, but I don't want to be talking to many people because that cause confusion. So what time on Monday. She ask what will be a good time for you? I said 10:30 am. Arathi said ok. She is in Raleigh/Durham area but she will meet me there at 10:30 am. I said, OK. I ask Arathi to send me an email confirming our meeting and so I will  have her contact info. Arathi said that she can send an text. I said na I prefer email. Arathi ask me for my email address and thank me for taking the time to come in and meet. I said ok bye

As you know it was the same usual unreliable response. I didn't receive an email from Arathi with her contact info. I did received and email and text from Eric confirming the meeting. Remember I ask her to email me...